Sunday, April 15, 2012

week 5/Political Cartoon #2

Title: Stay At Home Moms Apology

In this cartoon, we see just Obama. Obama is seen as taken a stance of being neutral when it comes to stay at home moms but at the same time implying that there's an issue because he is responsible for him this. The artist could be targeting at how Obama is so adamant about helping America with unemployment and stay at home moms would conflict with this. There is also the connection that they are women or maybe that's a stretch. I don't know...


week 5/Political Cartoon #1

Title:Obama vs Romney 2012 prom
In this political cartoon we see Obama, Romney and the statue of liberty. The sash on the statue of liberty symbolize the Women Voters of America. This shows fight between who will get the votes of women in the presidential race. The women voters have been constantly threatened and attacked when it comes to their, pay, healthcare, and rights when it comes to the campaign itself this year. Women voters make up a large amount of American voters and this has become is big issue as to who will get the votes. 


week 4/Political Cartoon #2

Title: Niftey Watch
In this cartoon, we see what appears to be a republican politician who has a watch with the monopoly guy, who represents money and the man saying, "goes back in time". This is a reference to far right winged parties like the reactionary party that believe in previous states of government or going back in time. This means more government involvement in individual rights and less involvement in monetary regulation. 


week 4/Political Cartoon #1

Title: Attack on Mom 

In this cartoon we see a women and her child, making is apparent that she is a mother and presumably an American citizen. To side says the words, "War on women" and attacking her are daggers and guns. This shows the political attack that average women are facing in America today. The impending issue as of late is abortion and women's rights to their bodies. This is very much, related to politics because it dictates what their rights are and government control over them. Their is also the factor that the presidential race is near by and a large sum of women make up the potential voters for the elections. 


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 3/Political Cartoon #2

Title: LOCAL NC -- Tillis and Amendment 1
This cartoon exemplifies the ongoing argument about gay marriage rights in the U.S.. Many people argue that gay rights should be allowed because it apart of freedom of speech which is protected in the constitution but here in the cartoon, we see a politician drawing graffiti all over the document with the words, "no gay marriage". The conduct of who the politician expresses this is both childish and ridiculous. This embodies the childish and ridiculous opinion of those who are opposed to gay marriage (republicans). 


Week 3/Political Cartoon #1

Ttitle: Looks Like a Terrorist

In this cartoon, we see a women criticizing what seems to be her husband, of looking like a terrorist because of his beard. The connection I saw was to the case of Treyvon Martin who was claimed to have looked like a hoodlum because of his hood. The artist seems to be criticizing these accusations that have ridiculous claims to them. To push this message further, perhaps the injustice of the accusations made themselves are a form of terrorism in today's America. 


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 2/Political Cartoon #2

Title: Political Etch a Sketch

In this cartoon, we see the three candidates of the GOP race, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Each candidate is hold sketching palette that shows what many citizens see as their controversial flaws/issues. Mitt Romney has been criticized as not being republican enough and for his "core values", as seen on his palette. Newt Gingrich has been criticized for his infidelity and his "wedding vows", as seen on his palette. And Rick Santorum is criticized for being too right-winged and traditional as seen by him holding a "etch-in-stone".
