Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 2/Political Cartoon #2

Title: Political Etch a Sketch

In this cartoon, we see the three candidates of the GOP race, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Each candidate is hold sketching palette that shows what many citizens see as their controversial flaws/issues. Mitt Romney has been criticized as not being republican enough and for his "core values", as seen on his palette. Newt Gingrich has been criticized for his infidelity and his "wedding vows", as seen on his palette. And Rick Santorum is criticized for being too right-winged and traditional as seen by him holding a "etch-in-stone".


Week 2/Political Cartoon #1

Title: Taking Healthcare Backwards
In this cartoon, we see an elephant as a surgeon about to perform on a patient. In the bubble, it states "Start counting backwards from 2012". What this cartoon shows is the regression in our healthcare system. As a democracy, many people believe that healthcare should be a right to all citizens. However, many republicans (the elephants) and their lobbyists are opposed to this. In recent years, many americans and even former medical researchers have criticized medical industries for being pre-occupied as an entrepreneurial industry. This cartoon clearly depicts this controversial issue. 


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 1/ Political Cartoon #2

Title: Goldman Sachs Muppets COLOR
In this political cartoon, we see men controlling muppets. They all have faces of people who are extremely absorbed, brainwashed and obsessed (perhaps with money). Last week, posted in the New York Times was an article written by an ex-executive director from Goldman Sachs. In the article, Greg Smith explained why he left the company and criticized the employees there, stating that he was ashamed of how the employees treated their clients like "muppets" and would sell them things that weren't good for them. The men in the cartoon are the employees and the muppets are the clients. 


Week 1/ Political Cartoon #1

Title: Republican Profiles - COLOR
In this political cartoon, we see the republican candidates lined up next to the republican mascot, the elephant. The candidates are posed next to each other as if they're all looking at something(candidacy for presidential election) while at a mark, as if they're racing. At the far left, the elephant has a thought bubble saying "OMG!" and a shocked expression. The cartoon expresses the current state of the G.O.P. race, where many citizens feel that all the candidates are ridiculous in the way they compete, resorting to extensive name calling and bashing on one another. Republicans are shocked to see their behavior and everywhere, citizens of the republican party are saying, "OMG!"
